Grilled Mustard Covered Fish Steak on Halibut Receipes

Hello! here I am for another grilling style cooking from my own halibut receipes archives. I'm guilty of being a grilled foods fan. I can still picture the time when I was a kid grilling foods with my uncle and it was so fun that I can do it all day long. But we're not here to talk about my history, we are here to talk about cooking, halibut receipes in particular. Now I want to go all over your kitchen cabinet and make sure you have the ingredients we will need for this one.

Forget about other halibut receipes, focus on this and collect the following:
-two tablespoons of squeezed out lemon juice
-4 pieces of six ounce fresh halibut steaks(frozen)
-two tablespoons of butter
- two teaspoons of basil
-a tablespoon of mustard preferably dijon style

Once everything is in place, wash the fish steaks and dry with paper towel or anything similar. Heat up the butter, lemon juice, basil and mustard in a pan until they are all melted. Spread up the melted mixture on the halibut fish steaks.

Grill the fish steaks on a greased grilling rack for about 10 minutes or until the fish surface flakes a bit. Turn the fish steaks to their opposite side for further grilling. Once the steaks are cooked, serve them up with your favorite side dishes. That wraps everything up for now and stay tuned for more halibut receipes

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